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Fantastic Fungi Movie – Review

“The magical, mysterious and medicinal world of fungi has the power to heal, sustain and contribute to the regeneration of life on Earth that began 3.5 billion years ago.” Louie Schwartzberg is known for decades of gorgeous time-lapse nature videography which he has employed as an award-winning cinematographer, director and producer. His latest documentary Fantastic Fungi does not disappoint, offering indescribably exquisite nature photography coupled with a message. That message: Mushrooms rule, they always have and always will. Majestic beauty frames every shot, accompanied by a narrative of fantastical fungi facts. We learn of the magnitude of fungi’s importance to... Read More

Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am – Review

The documentary Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am offers an intimate portrayal of Toni Morrison; you not only come to understand her inspirations, but also the significance of her trove of ground-breaking books. For the uninitiated, her 1987 novel Beloved was turned into an esteemed movie produced by and starring Oprah Winfrey. In Beloved, Morrison told the story beneath the true story of a slave who kills her own daughter rather than take her back to slavery. Morrison created the interior world of desperate woman, imagining her as an individual. Prior to Morrison’s books, the female slave story had... Read More

Honeyland – Review

Are you ready to embark on a real-life mythical journey that reveals vital messages of wisdom? If so, take time to watch Honeyland, nominated for Best Documentary Feature and Best Foreign Film in the 2020 Academy Awards. The film, by Macedonian filmmakers Tamara Kotevska and Ljubomir Stefanov, begins with giddying shots of a precarious high mountain ledge as a middle aged woman tends a beehive hidden in the rocks. Set to a haunting score and audio soundtrack by Macedonian group, Foltin, the astonishing cinematography catapults us into an unfamiliar universe –the rare and mysterious world of a remote Macedonian village and... Read More

The Secret – Dare to Dream – Film Review

Starring Katie Holmes and Josh Lucas, “The Secret: Dare to Dream” is inspired by the phenomenally successful 2006 book, “The Secret”, by Rhonda Byrne. The wildly popular book has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 50 languages. Aficionados will know about the book’s philosophy based on the Laws of Attraction principles. Put simply, like a magnet, our thoughts and feelings create powerful energies – if we are pessimistic, we draw in negativity, if we think positively, we pull in positive outcomes. According to the book, through creative visualizations, and the practice of... Read More
