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Daniel Karslake is an award-winning American director and producer, whose highly acclaimed work deals with social justice issues, both domestically and internationally. His current project, FOR WE KNOW NOT WHAT WE DO, is a follow-up to his award-winning feature, FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO, and will examine the use of both the Holy Bible and the U.S. Constitution as a means to discriminate against LGBT Americans under the guise of “religious freedom.”Karslake’s most recent film, EVERY THREE SECONDS examines compelling and accessible solutions to extreme poverty and hunger around the globe. It challenges viewers to question why, when we have all the solutions we need, we are not acting more rigorously to end poverty and hunger. Karslake began work on EVERY THREE SECONDS in the fall of 2008 as a visiting scholar at Stanford University.Prior to his film work, Karslake was a producer of the long-running news magazine, In the Life, which aired on PBS in over 140 markets across the nation. In recognition of his work, Karslake received an Emmy nomination from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.Karslake is the founding president of DK Works, a production company dedicated to creating high quality, thought-provoking theater, television and film. He received his B.A. in public policy from Duke University.Social media: